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Genome assembly


Linum trigynum L.

French Flax


  • Assembly Name: Ltrigynum_genome
  • Assembly Type: Haploid
  • Assembly Level: Chromosome
  • Genome Representation: Full
  • Accession: GCA_964030455.1

Assembly Statistics

Assembly length (Mbp)498.04
GC %41.35
Contig #104
Contig N50 (Mbp)12.68
Contig L5012
Contig N90 (Mbp)3.05
Contig L9038
Scaffold #15
Scaffold N50 (Mbp)47.03
Scaffold L505
Scaffold N90 (Mbp)41.58
Scaffold L909
Scaffolds >= 10 kb12
BUSCO % (eukaryota_odb10)C:95.6 [S:66.2, D:29.4], F:1.2, M:3.2, n:255

Annotation Statistics

Gene #54671
Transcript #80475
Avg exons per transcript3.9
Avg gene length (bp)3176
Avg transcript length (bp)2705
Avg exon length (bp)510
Avg intron length (bp)233

Notes: Assembly statistics were calculated for the primary genome assembly GCA_964030455.1. Busco statistics were taken from Gutiérrez-Valencia et al. (2024). Annotation statistics were calculated using Ltrigynum_v1_genes.gtf.

BUSCO notation: C: Complete; S: Single-copy; D: Duplicated; F: Fragmented; M: Missing; n: Total BUSCO genes included in the dataset (here: eukaryota_odb10). See also the official BUSCO manual.


The data for Linum trigynum displayed in the genome portal comes from:

Gutiérrez-Valencia, J., Zervakis, P.-I., Postel, Z., Fracassetti, M., Losvik, A., Mehrabi, S., Bunikis, I., Soler, L., Hughes, P. W., Désamoré, A., Laenen, B., Abdelaziz, M., Pettersson, O. V., Arroyo, J., & Slotte, T. (2024). Genetic Causes and Genomic Consequences of Breakdown of Distyly in Linum trigynum. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 41(5), msae087.


The study in which the genome data was generated (Gutiérrez-Valencia et al. 2024) acknowledge funding by:

  • The European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement number 757451)
  • The Swedish Research Council (grant numbers 2019-04452 and 2023-04532)
  • The Erik Philip-Sörensen foundation
  • The Bergströms foundation
  • The Nilsson-Ehle foundation
  • The Carl Trygger foundation

Page last updated: 31/10/2024