- Assembly Name: Linum_tenue_thrum_v1
- Assembly Type: Haploid
- Assembly Level: Scaffold
- Genome Representation: Full
- Accession: GCA_946122785.1
Assembly Statistics
Statistic | Value |
Assembly length (Mbp) | 692.36 |
GC % | 41.64 |
Contig # | 598 |
Contig N50 (Mbp) | 2.06 |
Contig L50 | 110 |
Contig N90 (Mbp) | 0.59 |
Contig L90 | 344 |
Scaffold # | 23 |
Scaffold N50 (Mbp) | 69.33 |
Scaffold L50 | 5 |
Scaffold N90 (Mbp) | 53.51 |
Scaffold L90 | 9 |
Scaffolds >= 10 kb | 17 |
BUSCO % (eudicots_odb10) | C:94.2 [S:62.9, D:31.3], F:0.9, M:4.9, n:2326 |
Annotation Statistics
Statistic | Value |
Gene # | 52831 |
Transcript # | 142552 |
Avg exons per transcript | 6.1 |
Avg gene length (bp) | 3080 |
Avg transcript length (bp) | 3305 |
Avg exon length (bp) | 272 |
Avg intron length (bp) | 101 |
Notes: Assembly statistics were calculated for the primary genome assembly GCA_946122785.1. Busco statistics were taken from Gutiérrez-Valencia et al. (2022). Annotation statistics were calculated using Ltenue_v1_genes.gff.
BUSCO notation: C: Complete; S: Single-copy; D: Duplicated; F: Fragmented; M: Missing; n: Total BUSCO genes included in the dataset (here: eudicots_odb10). See also the official BUSCO manual.
The data for Linum tenue displayed in the genome portal comes from:
Gutiérrez-Valencia, J., Fracassetti, M., Berdan, E. L., Bunikis, I., Soler, L., Dainat, J., Kutschera, V. E., Losvik, A., Désamoré, A., Hughes, P. W., Foroozani, A., Laenen, B., Pesquet, E., Abdelaziz, M., Pettersson, O. V., Nystedt, B., Brennan, A. C., Arroyo, J., & Slotte, T. (2022). Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level. Current Biology, 32(20), 4360-4371.e6.
The study in which the genome data was generated (Gutiérrez-Valencia et al. 2022) acknowledge funding by:
- The European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 757451)
- The Swedish Research Council (grant no. 2019-04452)
- The Erik Philip-Sörensen foundation
- The Bergströms foundation
- The Carl Trygger foundation
- The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation as part of the National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden at SciLifeLab.
Page last updated: 31/10/2024