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Species overview


Linum tenue Desf.

A species of flax

Image of *Linum tenue* Desf.

Linum tenue by Benjamin Laenen and Aurélie Désamoré, used with permission. Flower morphs: thrum (left) and pin (right).

Recorded observations of the species from the year 2000 onwards. Map generated using GBIF


Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Viridiplantae
Phylum: Streptophyta
Family: Linaceae
Genus: Linum
Species: Linum tenue
NCBI Taxonomy ID: 586396


Linum tenue is an annual herbaceous species which ranges in height from 30 to 150 cm and has distylous actinomorphic yellow flowers with fivefold symmetry. The two floral morphs differ reciprocally in the length of their styles and stamens, with the longer organs protruding slightly from the corolla, which has nectaries at its base (Foroozani et al. 2023). L. tenue exhibits heteromorphic self-incompatibility, meaning that only crosses between and not within morphs are compatible (Murray, 1986; Gutiérrez-Valencia et al. 2024). The native range of L. tenue ranges from the southwest Iberian peninsula into north Africa.

The distyly supergene of L. tenue consists of an ~260 kb region on scaffold 10 of the genome assembly of L. tenue (Gutiérrez-Valencia et al. 2022). At the L. tenue distyly supergene, short-styled thrum morph individuals are hemizygous, harboring only the longer, dominant allele, whereas long-styled pin morph individuals are homozygous for the shorter, recessive allele.

How to cite

If you use the data presented in the genome portal from this species in your research, please cite the original publication:

Gutiérrez-Valencia, J., Fracassetti, M., Berdan, E. L., Bunikis, I., Soler, L., Dainat, J., Kutschera, V. E., Losvik, A., Désamoré, A., Hughes, P. W., Foroozani, A., Laenen, B., Pesquet, E., Abdelaziz, M., Pettersson, O. V., Nystedt, B., Brennan, A. C., Arroyo, J., & Slotte, T. (2022). Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level. Current Biology, 32(20), 4360-4371.e6.

If you have used the pages for this species in the Genome Portal, please refer to it in-text as: “The Linum tenue entry in the Swedish Reference Genome Portal (Retrieved ).” and use the following for the bibliography:

Swedish Reference Genome Portal (Retrieved ), SciLifeLab Data Centre, version 1.3.0 from, RRID:SCR_026008


  • Foroozani, A., Desmond, E. L., Gough, C. A., Pérez-Barrales, R., & Brennan, A. C. (2023). Sources of Variation in Reciprocal Herkogamy in the Distyly Floral Syndrome of Linum tenue (Linaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences, 184(2), 142–155.

  • Gutiérrez-Valencia, J., Fracassetti, M., Berdan, E. L., Bunikis, I., Soler, L., Dainat, J., Kutschera, V. E., Losvik, A., Désamoré, A., Hughes, P. W., Foroozani, A., Laenen, B., Pesquet, E., Abdelaziz, M., Pettersson, O. V., Nystedt, B., Brennan, A. C., Arroyo, J., & Slotte, T. (2022). Genomic analyses of the Linum distyly supergene reveal convergent evolution at the molecular level. Current Biology, 32(20), 4360-4371.e6.

  • Gutiérrez-Valencia, J., Zervakis, P.-I., Postel, Z., Fracassetti, M., Losvik, A., Mehrabi, S., Bunikis, I., Soler, L., Hughes, P. W., Désamoré, A., Laenen, B., Abdelaziz, M., Pettersson, O. V., Arroyo, J., & Slotte, T. (2024). Genetic Causes and Genomic Consequences of Breakdown of Distyly in Linum trigynum. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 41(5), msae087.

  • Murray, B. G. (1986). Floral Biology and Self-Incompatibility in Linum. Botanical Gazette, 147(3), 327–333.


  • 31/10/2024 - Population genomics tracks added to genome browser
  • 15/10/2024 - Species first published on the Portal

Page last updated: 31/10/2024